Data from the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) released by the Georgia Department of Education, and based on data from the 2016-2017 academic year, showed score increases in school levels in the school systems in Fayette and Coweta counties.
Fayette school system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach said the school system’s overall score, 89.8, is a 2.4-point increase from last year’s score of 87.4. Fayette’s score is also 14.8 points higher than the state’s overall score of 75, Berry-Dreisbach said.
Berry-Dreisbach said elementary schools scored 86.2, up 1.1 points from last year. Middle schools had the largest score increase, 3.1 points, with a score of 88.7. High schools followed closely behind with a 3-point increase from last year, posting a score of 92.1.
“The county’s school level scores also exceeded the state’s scores of 72.9 for elementary schools, 73 for middle schools, and 77 for high schools,” said Berry-Dreisbach.
In Coweta, school system spokesman Dean Jackson said, as a district, Coweta scored a 77.8 overall on the CCRPI, outperforming the state’s overall CCRPI score of 75. This reflects an overall 2.6 point increase for Coweta schools over the system’s 2016 performance, Jackson said.
Jackson said the Coweta County elementary school score rose significantly with a 4.4 point increase on this year’s accountability report, from a 70.8 to 75.2 in 2017.
“Fifteen of Coweta County’s 19 elementary schools saw increases in their CCRPI scores this year, including Ruth Hill Elementary School, whose CCRPI score rose by 29 points in one year (to 81.6),” said Jackson. “Brooks, Elm Street, Northside and White Oak Elementary Schools also saw score increases of 10 points or more on the 2017 CCRPI, with Brooks’ overall score rising to 96.3.”
Jackson said the Coweta County middle school score also rose significantly on this year’s CCRPI report from a 74.6 to 79.7. This growth reflects a 5.1 point increase, which surpasses the state middle school score increase of 1.5 points.
“Coweta County middle school CCRPI scores continue to rise due to students making higher levels of progress when compared to like peers across the state of Georgia,” said Dr. Julie Raschen, Director of Assessment and Accountability for the school system.
The Coweta high school score saw a slight decrease of 1.9 points in 2017 with a CCRPI of 76.7.
The CCRPI is Georgia’s statewide accountability system, implemented in 2012 to replace No Child Left Behind’s (NCLB) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measurement, after the U.S. Department of Education granted Georgia’s waiver from NCLB. It measures schools and school districts on a 100-point scale based on multiple indicators of performance.
CCRPI scores for schools and school districts across the state can be viewed at the following link:
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