Peachtree City Council runoff election results

Above, clockwise from top left, Mayor Vanessa Fleisch, former Councilman Eric Imker, former Mayor Harold Logsdon and aviation company executive Kevin Madden. Photos/Submitted.
Above, clockwise from top left, Mayor Vanessa Fleisch, former Councilman Eric Imker, former Mayor Harold Logsdon and aviation company executive Kevin Madden. Photos/Submitted.

FINAL VOTE TOTALS 8:55 p.m., Dec. 5 — With all 12 city precincts counted, incumbent Mayor Vanessa Fleisch has won another 4-year term. The city’s first female mayor beat former Councilman Eric Imker 56 percent to 44 percent, with a spread of 513 votes. Fleisch had 2,360 votes, and Imker received 1,847 votes.

Aviation executive Kevin Madden will be the newcomer on the council, beating a former mayor, Harold Logsdon, 62 percent to 38 percent. Madden got 2,503 votes, while Logsdon got 1,524 votes, a difference of 979 votes.

Fleisch and Madden will be sworn in for their new terms by Jan. 1.

Voter turnout was just over 17 percent, compared to 24 percent in the November election.


Earlier post:

UPDATED VOTE TOTALS 8:06 p.m. Dec. 5

For mayor:

Vanessa Fleisch — 1,714 votes (56%)
Eric Imker — 1,373 votes (44%)

For Council Post 3:

Harold Logsdon — 1,089 votes (37%)
Kevin Madden — 1,860 votes (63%)

So far, of the city’s 24,170 registered voters, 3,087 votes have been counted, about a 13 percent turnout at this point in the tally.


Earlier post at 7:34 p.m.:

For mayor:

Vanessa Fleisch — 993 votes (57%)
Eric Imker — 762 votes (43%)

For Council Post 3:

Harold Logsdon — 568 votes (34%)
Kevin Madden — 1,105 votes (66%)

These are the results of early voting from all over the city, during which 1,755 city residents cast early ballots

There are 24,170 voters registered in Peachtree City.

Fleisch led the field of three last month with 43 percent of the votes cast in the mayor’s race. Former Councilman Eric Imker came in second with 31 percent in November.

For Post 3 on the City Council, Madden led the vote tally in November with 40 percent, followed by Logsdon with 32 percent.