On April 20, three days after Governor Nathan Deal announced a handshake agreement between Piedmont Healthcare and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, the two organizations put ink to paper and signed the new agreement.
The agreement ensures that Anthem Blue Cross members can see their Piedmont doctors and visit Piedmont hospitals as “in network” without incurring higher out-of-pocket costs, including covering visits and services delivered since April 1, according to Piedmont Healthcare.
While Piedmont will begin calling patients – particularly those who canceled appointments for hospital-based services – all patients who canceled or delayed care during the time of disruption are encouraged to call their Piedmont doctor to reschedule, the company said.
“Preserving the relationship between the patient and their preferred healthcare provider has been our number one goal during this entire negotiation,” said Kevin Brown, Piedmont Healthcare President and Chief Operating Officer. “We know this has been difficult for our patients, and we are glad to finally have a resolution that restores and protects patient care.”
The new contract with Anthem Blue Cross extends into 2021.
If patients need to confirm their in-network status with Anthem Blue Cross or make sure that they have been reassigned to their Piedmont primary care physician, they should call the Anthem Blue Cross number on the back of their medical benefits card. For additional information, go to KeepPiedmont.org.
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