Fayette’s top crime time: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office 2017 Annual Crime Report shows a 6 percent decrease in serious crime over the previous year.

The report showed 416 Part 1 crimes for the year, or an average of eight per week, with 90 percent coming as property crimes. Part 1 crimes are categorized as serious offenses that include vehicular and non-vehicular theft, burglary, aggravated assault, auto theft, robbery, rape and homicide.

In all, there was a 6 percent reduction in Part 1 crimes over 2016.

Reviewing the crime totals, there were 169 non-vehicle thefts, 83 thefts from a vehicle, 99 burglaries, 24 auto thefts, 24 aggravated assaults, eight robberies, seven rapes and two homicides during 2017.

Fayette is divided into five zones. Zone 1 includes the large area of northwest and north central Fayette, Zone 2 includes a small area in north central Fayette, Zone 3 covers a small area in northeast Fayette, Zone 4 covers a large area in west central and southwest Fayette and Zone 5 includes a large area in east central and southeast Fayette.

Part 1 crimes by zone included:

• 77 in Zone 1

• 83 in Zone 2

• 103 in Zone 3 (25 percent of the total)

• 76 in Zone 4

• 75 in Zone 5

The highest incidence of crimes occur between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m, in the middle of the day.

The largest number of Part 1 crimes occur on Tuesdays, followed by Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. The fewest crimes occur on Sundays.