Alien visitor reports on Planet Earth


t look at life on Planet Earth with amazement. In addition to plants of every kind and color, he would see a stunning variety of creatures on land and in the sea and in the air running, walking, swimming, creeping, crawling, flying, and sometimes just staying put. If he studied these creatures over time, he might discern that wildly different creatures all share one thing in common: they procreate, not something you’d expect necessarily. He might write something like what follows (in Klingon, perhaps?):

“In addition to consuming nutrients, growing and eventually dying, Earth organisms reproduce. This is done by plants, bacteria, and animals, in many ways, including the use of pollen, seeds, cell division, asexual reproduction, and sexual reproduction by ‘males’ and ‘females.’

“New members of each of the myriad of Earth species are constantly being created as those from which they are created, without exception, die. The entire Planet — from bacteria to beets, beech trees to begonias, bees to birds, buffalos to baboons — is teeming with procreative life.

“It would seem there is a master plan or principle here that life will go on and on endlessly through reproduction. Earth may be called the Fertile Planet, with all life showcasing a built-in drive toward fertility, straightforward, routine, and dynamic.

“Some species have self-contained reproductive systems. And some simply multiply by dividing (!) When the reproductive system of a species is found in two components, each dependent on the other, the species is said to have sexes (from an old word to divide or cut), and each unique sex is called male and female. They are distinct, unique, with separate functions, and not interchangeable.

“But there is one species among the many divided into male and female that recently has been acting strangely, exhibiting self-destructive and puzzling behavior with respect to their reproductive endowments.

“The species Homo Occidentalis has been observed sabotaging their bodies, warring against their natural fertility, even to the point of harming the species in the process. This includes killing millions of their healthy offspring in utero, that is, while they are still protected inside the female, who becomes a mother through having children.

“More recently, young members of the species have become disoriented, confused about which sex they are. Some of the older members teach the young that if they imagine themselves to be the sex opposite from their birth-bodies, they could undergo surgery and hormonal infusions to turn a male into a female, which is, of course, biologically impossible.

“The human genetic structure dictates each new conception to be either male or female and cannot be changed. Yet young females, wanting to be males, have been known to have mastectomies, practicing a type of biological alchemy. Genetically, structurally, hormonally, in brain functions, in countless details, they remain females, only now mutilated, with further injury done to the child-oriented endowments given them at birth.

“This misperception is like ‘anorexia,’ a ‘mental illness,’ in which an underweight subject, looking in a mirror, imagines she sees an overweight female and, as a result, eats very little, and may eventually die from malnutrition. It is also like ‘body integrity identity disorder,’ in which healthy members of the species imagine one or more of their limbs or organs doesn’t belong to their body and wish to have it amputated.

“A minority of their intellectual class has protested this development as part of a ‘culture of death.’ It certainly is a hindrance to the natural course of life. Proponents of the new development, while increasingly obsessed about sexual activity, are afraid of its procreative powers. They ‘have more sex,’ but fewer children, and thus fewer are mothers and fathers, dying without offspring.

“In other non-Western nations, many members of homo sapiens are resisting these threats to natural fertility. They highly prize ‘motherhood’ as a pillar of society and do not denigrate it as in the West, where having more than a few children is portrayed as demeaning, unfulfilling, and an oppression of females by males. The future of the Fertile Planet may depend on the recovery of motherhood, as well as fatherhood, but that is another report.”

[James M. Kushiner is executive director of The Fellowship of St. James (, which was founded in 1976 to promote fidelity to Jesus Christ, encourage greater Christian unity, and defend traditional Christian doctrines and moral teachings. The Fellowship and its publications serve Protestant, Evangelical, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians who come together on the basis of shared belief in the fundamental doctrines of the faith as revealed in Holy Scripture and summarized in the ancient creeds of the Church.]