Tyrone budget gives pay bump to staff

Tyrone Mayor Eric Dial.
Tyrone Mayor Eric Dial.

The Tyrone Town Council on June 21 adopted the 2019 General Fund budget totaling $4.65 million. The new budget effective July 1 presents an increase of $281,000 from additional sales tax, franchise taxes and car tag revenues.

The vote to adopt the budget was 4-0. Mayor Eric Dial could not attend the meeting.

The expenditures side of the budget included a 4 percent maximum merit-based increase for town staff in lieu of a cost-of-living increase, Dial said before the meeting.

Other increases in the cost of doing business include group health and dental costs and paying police officers an additional $1 per hour for night shift work.

On the revenue side, title ad valorem taxes are expected to increase by $30,000, sales taxes by $28,000, franchise taxes by $24,000 and building permits by $55,000.