Georgia recognizes Kinship Caregivers Month


Every year the governor of Georgia proclaims September as Kinship Caregivers month. The proclamation is to recognize the kinship caregivers, mainly grandparents, who care for the child of a relative when the parents cannot or will not care for the child.

This lifestyle change is not easy. Caregivers are overwhelmed by all the new information they need, e.g., registering for school. The children are not happy as they have left family,friends,schoolmates and all that is familiar, be it good or bad.

Grandparents and Kin Raising Children is a Fayette County non-profit organization that provides recreation, education, support and training for kinship families. We are a resource center for these families.

Our new office is at 21 Eastbrook Bend, Peachtree City, and our phone is 404-573-7052. If you need info on food stamps, counseling, IEPs and education stuff, call us. A friendly, caring and informed person will answer your call.

We have several churches, organizations and persons who are partners with us. From our partners, caregivers and children have received free food, clothing, Chrome books and printers, tutoring, field trips, and lots of activities.

GKRC has a twice-monthly support group for caregivers (info at You do not need to be a member (although we’d love to have you) for you and the children living with you to receive benefits and services.

Priscilla Schell
Board member GKRC
Peachtree City, Ga.