New exhibit opening at PTC Library


The Peachtree City Library Arts Initiative will feature the work of four award-winning fine artists: Dan Garcia, Julie Nestor, Kay Ridge, and Honey Corbin. “Four Artists Go West” features the oil paintings, pastels, colored pencil renderings, and graphite drawings inspired by the artists’ travels through the west and southwest. The exhibit opens Nov. 2 and runs through Dec. 30. An artists’ reception is November 11, from 3-4:45 p.m. at thePeachtree City Library,

Garcia is a member of the Fayette Society of Fine Art, Arts Clayton, and the Colored Pencil Society of America. He has received numerous local, regional, and national awards and was selected twice for the State of Georgia Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Prints, and was a finalist in the Maryland Duck competition.

Nestor is a member of the Fayette Society of Fine Arts, The Booth Artist Guild (associated with The Booth Western Art Museum), Newnan-Coweta Arts Association, and Arts Clayton. Julie rediscovers the horse in portrait and in western art.

Ridge is a Signature Member of Excellence of the Southeastern Pastel Society and a member of the Portrait Society of Atlanta.

Corbin, a member of Newnan-Coweta Arts Association, FAACE, The Booth Artist Guild, Arts Clayton, The Tubac Museum of Art (AZ), has exhibited in local, regional, and national juried shows and in galleries.  She works with interior designers on commission creating oil paintings for the discerning clientGarcia, Nestor, and Corbin have been juried into shows at The Booth Western Art Museum, Cartersville, GA.

The Peachtree City Library Arts Initiative seeks to bring the best in local and regional art to the citizens of Peachtree City and surrounding areas. Featured exhibits and works of three local art and photography associations – Fayette Society of Fine Art, Peachtree City Photography Club, and Newnan-Coweta Art Association – can be viewed anytime during the library’s open hours. For more information, contact Honey Corbin or Rebecca Watts at [email protected].