Fayette has suffered tactics of Senate Democrats


Now that the dust has settled from the despicable display by Senate Democrats in their handling of the Supreme Court nomination of now Justice Kavanaugh, it’s worth a reminder before the upcoming election next week that Fayette County Democrats used the same tactics on the citizens of this county to get what they couldn’t get through free and fair elections.

Namely, bring in the NAACP and sue the citizens of Fayette County for alleged racism to get through the court what they couldn’t win at the ballot box. It’s an insidious tactic that will only be successful if citizens of moral courage and intestinal fortitude don’t stand up and rationally present the facts and stand on principle.

Senate Republicans and Justice Kavanaugh did have the spine for it; a majority of the members of the County Board of Commissioners, and all the members of the County School Board didn’t.

People don’t vote for Democrat policies for a very simple reason: the policies don’t work and invariably end up costing an enormous amount of taxpayer money. Eight years of President Obama supplies ample evidence of economic stagnation and doubling the national debt despite what he felt were good intentions.

Democrat good intentions inevitably fail when those polices meet the real world. After two years of Republican governance, the United States has returned as the economic powerhouse of the world.

So the Democrats force their policies through the courts. That’s why former Senator Reid (D-NV) when leader of the Senate did away with the Senate filibuster to get as many liberal judges on the courts as he could so not to have those liberal policies reversed.

The Democrats’ last hope is a liberal Supreme Court where those policies go to die when matched to a strict interpretation of the Constitution as the Founding Fathers intended.

Hence we have the travesty foisted upon the nation by the Democrat Senators hell-bent on trying to maintain a majority in the Supreme Court where five unelected judges can replace the will of the electorate.

And it should frighten and horrify every American to witness the scorched earth tactics Senate Democrats were willing to use in order to maintain the only place Democrats can get what they want.

Senator Feinstein (D-CA) had Ms. Ford’s allegations of sexual assault for weeks and did nothing for a very simple reason: Ms. Ford had no corroborating evidence or witnesses linking Judge Kavanaugh to anything that may have happened to Ms. Ford.

So if the Democrats can’t win on the merits of Judge Kavanaugh’s professional record, the Democrats will destroy his character and will use Ms. Ford as an unwilling pawn. What the Senate Democrats did was a massive disservice to women who have been sexually assaulted.

In my 30-year military career, I was involved in several investigations of sexual assault, including one involving murder. In each case, due process was a must. There must be both credible evidence and witnesses. Some cases went unsolved for lack of both.

One of the most unreliable aspects of an investigation is eyewitness accounts. People misremember and identify the wrong person (picked a policeman used to fill up a line-up), not intentionally but memory can be a fragile thing especially under stress.

In some cases, after due process, it was proven the alleged victims had flat out lied for a variety of reasons. But these “credible witnesses” were willing to send innocent men to prison for 20 years.

Senate Democrats were willing to trash one of the fundamental pillars of our legal system: the right to due process and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. They were (and have to a large extent) willing to destroy Judge Kavanaugh’s reputation and ruin him and his family on no credible evidence with the vilest of charges a man can be accused of to get a judge on the Supreme court.

This is truly shameful, despicable behavior. It is a credit to the character and courage of both the Republican Senators and Judge Kavanaugh to have stood up to such a travesty of justice.

Where was that same character and courage by our elected County Commissioners and Board of Education when the county Democrats brought in the NAACP and accused your neighbors and mine of racism based on no credible evidence because there were no black neighbors on either board.

When asked to cite one example of any candidate that had run a racist campaign, none could be given. Excuses of voter ID requirements were used despite evidence of increased black voter participation and shown proven examples of voter fraud without voter ID requirements.

When asked how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s admonition that it should be the content of your character and not the color of your skin squared with having black elected officials based on nothing but the color of their skin, I got nothing but silence. My favorite response was “I can’t get who I want elected.”

Hence let’s label Fayette County neighbors racist, drag them to court and find some spineless federal judge who hates having his rulings questioned and citing some long ago racism when the South was solidly governed by Democrats (how do they not remember that?) that may or may not been in Fayette County.

And rather than showing the courage and character of a Judge Kavanaugh, the commissioners and the School Board allowed themselves to be coerced by said spineless federal judge and had the county district lines redrawn to allow a majority black district.

And who do our neighbors elect to the School Board from their new majority black neighbor district? A white guy, albeit he’s probably more Indian than Elizabeth Warren. But he’s a Democrat, which is what they really wanted in the first place.

If you don’t think the School Board matters, just look at the mob of kids clawing at the Supreme Court doors after the Kavanaugh confirmation as if it were a scene from “The Walking Dead.”

These vile tactics replace due process. If you want to win elections, present candidates of character and courage and have them present clear messages as to why they are more qualified than the opponent. Present a clearly articulated policy and the evidence of how and why it works and more effective than the opposing policy.

If you don’t think policies matter, just compare your 401k/IRA accounts while under President Obama’s policies to what those same accounts are now under Republicans and President Trump.

Dennis D. Benson
Captain, United States Navy [Ret.] Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Oh. And socialism? You mean government ownership? Like the military, right? Stop using terms without knowing what they mean! For crying out loud! Much of what we hold dear in America is socialist. How about just making government work better? That is a start. Stop with the misuse of words. Do your homework. Please!

  2. This is completely ridiculous: the part about President Obama and 401Ks. Any good 401K is protected against all but the most major market volatility. I bet the author doesn’t have a 401K. Don’t make stuff up because you don’t like someone’s politics. Geez.

  3. Bravo. Very well written and reasoned. I couldn’t agree more.

    And now we are faced with a gubernatorial candidate that embodies these qualities and a drive for more and more socialism and socialist policies amidst the false claim that they are better for the people. Where has this ever been true?