A case of projected rage


There was not much in Alan Felts’ article “Progressive outrage? Or just plain rage?” with which I agree.

However, there was this one paragraph that struck me as correct:

“A message must be sent that mob rule and harassment and violence against those with whom you disagree and leaders who label millions of your fellow citizens as evil and vile is not acceptable in our democratic republic and only you can bring your party back from the brink”

I assume he was thinking of Democrats when he wrote it, because it followed a paragraph imploring Democrats to vote for the Green Party or Libertarian in protest.

But, it applies far better to the current Republican Party, particularly with President Trump in office.

Consider that President Trump has:

• Praised a member of congress that was convicted of body slamming a reporter. He joked about how he likes people that can body slam.

• Told a crowd that if they roughed up dissenters that he would pay their legal bills.

• When talking about how there was nothing they could do about Supreme Court picks if Hillary was elected, he said, “although, the second amendment people, maybe there is.”

• Regularly used slurs, childish name-calling, and mocking to refer to people.

• Called the media the “enemy of the people.”

• Said that he knows more than the generals.

• Discredited the entire national intelligence community.

Consider the chants of crowds saying, “Lock her up.”

Consider the calls of people like Alex Jones, a favorite of President Trump with whom he at one point regularly spoke, for civil war against liberals.

Consider Charlottesville, where after the “Unite the Right” rally President Trump was not willing to call out the white supremacist that killed one and injured 19.

Consider the bombs sent to Democratic leaders this past week by a supporter of President Trump.

Then, read the paragraph above again and tell me which party comes to mind. Maybe the Republicans reading this should consider voting Libertarian. Or, better yet, Democrat.

Ed Outlaw
Peachtree City, Ga.