Resist Democrats’ ‘resistance’


Calling all Republican voters in Fayette County — It is absolutely imperative that Republican voters realize that the “resist movement” is working overtime to push their agenda throughout America and more concerning in Fayette County, Georgia.

Who are the people who comprise the resist movement? Well, allow me to enlighten you. They are the people who live among us all over this county who are vehemently opposed to President Trump and reject the fact that he was duly elected as the President of our nation. The majority supported Hillary Clinton and the remainder are those who are “Anti-Trumpers” who are not registered Democrats.

First and foremost, you have to open your eyes and see that the Democratic Party you use to know no longer exists. After more than a century of being segregationists, the Democrats became hardened liberals in the mid-1960s and for the past six decades courted black voters to help them win elections.

In previous articles I have exposed the fact that the Democratic Party is now under the control of progressive radicals and socialists who are committed to transforming this nation, this state and this county into a far-left dystopia.

Lately the operatives of the resist movement are strategically infiltrating our local political party as well as elected offices/posts locally and at the state and federal levels. Their agenda for America includes, but, is not limited to the following:

• Open borders.

• Late-term abortions (right up to birth) disguised as women’s healthcare.

• Replacing the black vote with votes from illegals and undocumented aliens.

• Raising your taxes to pay for free college, free healthcare and redistribution of wealth.

• Intensifying the war on Christianity (since removing God from their platform at their National Convention in 2012).

• Abolishing I.C.E.; attacking law enforcement and disregarding the rule of law.

• Promoting identity politics in their conquest to divide Americans.

• Needlessly investigating, not legislating.

My message is this: We are in a real fight for freedom and liberty. Their mission is to undermine every American institution. They have already infiltrated our schools (especially universities and colleges), the media, corporations, even nation-wide and local businesses and last, but not least, our government. Their goal is to dominate and control every aspect of your life.

The far-left are defectors not protectors of the U.S. Constitution. They have full control and unfettered access to all the major media outlets who are committed to supporting and pushing their agenda day after day. The left-wing media’s content is not news, people; it’s propaganda.

On Feb. 9, 2019, the Fayette County Republican Party is convening a precinct mass meeting. If you are a true Republican/conservative American patriot, get involved in this convention process to do your part to defend our U.S. Constitution and our nation from these deep-state far-left radicals who are determined to take over America, to take over Georgia, to take over Fayette County. It is so important that you show up and represent your precinct/community. Should you ignore this message, I assure you that you will regret it in the coming weeks, months and in 2020 and beyond.

The precinct mass meeting affords Republican voters the opportunity to become delegates/alternates to our county convention which will occur on Saturday, March 9, 2019, as well as an opportunity to take a bold stand against those who are hell-bent on taking away our freedoms.

Republicans must stop sitting on the sidelines. Why? Because the democrat-socialist-progressives are not sitting on the sidelines. It grieves me to say this, but I would be remiss if I did not: “They have declared war on us!” The ultimate objective of the “resist movement” is to completely eliminate republicanism, conservatism and constitutionalism in our society.

This is the turning point.
This is the urgency of now.

Tyrone K. Jones, Sr.
Fayette County Republican Party Chairman
Fayetteville, Ga.


  1. Mr Trump spent the entirety of President Obama’s presidency resisting. President Obama was our duly elected president: he won BOTH the electoral college and the majority of the popular vote and yet Mr Trump continually questioned Mr Obama’s citizenship thus trying to delegitimize Mr. Obama’s presidency, i.e. RESISTING. This continued even after Mr Obama produced his birth certificate. The disrespect didn’t stop there. Trump also questioned Obama’s religion and questioned the authenticity of his birth certificate – the lack of proof for his claims never seemed to dampen his attacks. To this day I continue to run into a (albeit small and irrational) number of people who claim they aren’t sure of Obama’s citizenship.
    If you’re truly against resisting duly elected presidents then write to Trump and ask him to present a long overdue apology to Mr Obama.

  2. Calling all people of Fayette County (regardless of political beliefs or affiliation)
    When I read the recent op-ed in the Citizen on Feb 5 th I was taken back by the tone and comments of Mr. Tyrone Jones. Being a resident and Democrat in Fayette County it was hard to absorb many of the opinions, beliefs and thinking that Mr. Jones expressed. Especially since Mr. Jones represents the leadership of the Republican party of Fayette County. I am hard pressed to understand where some of the claims and accusations originate. It is disturbing though that this is the case and disappointing to know there are such misconceptions and misunderstandings.
    Characterizing the Democratic Party and people of Fayette County in such unfair, inaccurate and negative terms is disturbing at the least. I look around the same place Mr. Jones describes (our Fayette County community) and do not see a stealth infiltrating mob bent on undermining the liberty, morals, and fabric of our democracy instead of fellow neighbors, friends, co-workers, parishioners, family members and human beings. I see ALL Fayette residents as decent, caring, compassionate, respectful and PATRIOTIC with the same hopes and aspirations for themselves, their families and community. Yes there may be differences of ideas, beliefs and opinions but that should not differentiate, distinguish and separate our community or create anxiety and mistrust.
    Rather than attempt to repudiate the opinions and claims of Mr. Jones I would invite him as well as ALL interested citizens to visit our permanent Fayette County HQ on Jeff Davis Rd. in Fayetteville or contact us there. We would be happy to discuss ANY issues and answer ANY questions or concerns. It is always open to ALL.
    My family and I have lived and enjoyed the benefits of living in this county for the last 29 years. We have watched it grow and evolve into a dynamic and diverse community. I am hopeful that truth, knowledge and understanding will eliminate whatever misconceptions, misunderstandings and fear that can divide and separate our citizens and community so we may all work together toward a common and mutually prosperous future together.
    Andy Stasko
    Fayette County resident for 29 years and member of Fayette County Democratic Committee

  3. This type of letter is exactly what I expect from the “leaders” of the GOP these days. It’s a mixture fear-mongering, misdirection, and flat-out, bald-faced lies. Contrary to the fear-mongering claim that Democrats are “committed to transforming this nation, this state and this county into a far-left dystopia,” we are actually trying to advance legislation and policies that are good for America by protecting the people who are the engine of our economy – the middle class – while making it easier for people to climb out of poverty so that they can become better contributors to our success. But let’s take each point one at a time:

    • Open borders.

    This is nothing but a shameless lie. In the recent budget continuing resolution (CR) that Trump refused to sign in December (after saying he would, but getting played by a few talking heads – because it’s so easy to play him), the Democrats and the Republicans gave him EXACTLY what he requested for FY 2019. Look it up. The CR passed the Senate 100-0 and by a healthy margin in the House. Democrats have never been for open borders and this is demonstrably true, given our funding in the past for barriers (where they made sense), the CBP, immigration courts, etc. But it seems Mr. Jones does not care at all about the truth in this matter. He assumes you will simply believe what he says without question.

    • Late-term abortions (right up to birth) disguised as women’s healthcare.

    The truth about late-term abortions is that they are rarely asked for by women except in cases of a fetus that is unviable or when there is a significant risk to the mother’s life. Again, do the research. Try to understand what it’s like to have a child in the womb that has died or has an extreme case of spina bifida or has some other condition that makes life outside the womb impossible. Try to consider what you would do or your daughter would do with such a heart-wrenching situation instead of just demonizing people over something you’ve never experienced.

    • Replacing the black vote with votes from illegals and undocumented aliens.

    This is another lie. There is ZERO proof of this because it is simply not true. However, we do want all citizens to be able to vote. Over 100 million citizens don’t vote in this country and that’s a shame. We should all participate in our democracy and we should all encourage others to do the same. But what is true is that Republicans have been using gerrymandering, “Voter ID” laws, voter roll purges, and selective closing of polling stations to suppress the minority vote. A party populated almost entirely by white people proves constantly that it does not want people of color voting.

    • Raising your taxes to pay for free college, free healthcare and redistribution of wealth.

    Raising taxes? Well, this might be true for some. We have an obligation to pay for the benefits we receive in this country. We need the roads and bridges, the military, the parks, and so much more that the government provides. We should remember that, as a people, we elect representatives and control our government (if we vote and if we hold them accountable). But these benefits cost money. Republicans continually try to sell the idea that cutting taxes raises revenue. Except for very particular situations which don’t apply to us now, this is simply not true. In fact, the deficit has increased drastically due to the recent tax changes enacted by Republicans. You remember the deficit, right? The thing Republicans absolutely railed about when they weren’t in power, but ignore now that they are. We do have to pay for the programs we legislate and borrowing massive amounts of money to do that is not a good idea. So, yes, taxes may increase, most likely on the very wealthy. They will tell you how they are the job creators and increasing taxes kill jobs. That’s not true. The middle class creates jobs via demand. The wealthy may own businesses that fulfill that demand, but they don’t create it. And they will still do quite well even with higher taxes and we’ll be better off financially when our own taxes pay for the things government provides.

    • Intensifying the war on Christianity (since removing God from their platform at their National Convention in 2012).

    More lies. There is no war on Christianity. There is an effort to keep religion and government separate for one simple reason: the religious always find a way to discriminate against others who don’t share their views. That is not what America is about. We are about religious freedom – as long as it does not harm others – and letting people worship in their own way. No one knows the mind of God, despite what they may claim. We are all sinners. Let’s keep government out of the business of religion and religion out of the business of government. And remember, this is a GREAT insurance policy against ever having “sharia law” – that big boogie man that the GOP also rails against.

    • Abolishing I.C.E.; attacking law enforcement and disregarding the rule of law.

    If anyone is attacking law enforcement, it’s Trump. He has been constantly attacking the FBI and lying about them. And he’s great at disregarding the rule of law, as have been the people he has surrounded himself with. Democrats have simply been pushing for equal treatment of all people under the law and the removal of law enforcement personnel who can’t do that. Abolosh ICE? Well, some have called for that, but only to reconstitute it in such a way that it is better suited to sensible immigration policy.

    • Promoting identity politics in their conquest to divide Americans.

    Identity politics? Well, that’s not true, either. The Democrats have a diverse base, much more so than the GOP, and we believe that all people are important. We want black people and Asians and others to feel welcome and that means addressing their concerns. But it seems the GOP sees that as a threat and so they will claim it is to “divide.” It’s not. It’s about respecting the challenges minorities have and still do face in this country. That will make us stronger.

    • Needlessly investigating, not legislating.

    This is the most astounding claim, perhaps. When there are tons of signals that Trump is doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, ignoring it and refusing to investigate is foolhardy and completely un-American. And this coming from a party that used to aggressively fight against Communists. Now they ignore the threat because the man in office has an “R” after his name. Anything at all to retain power, right? Even if it means helping to sell out America. You want to vote Republican? Great. That’s your right. Find another Republican. The one you chose is not worthy of the office and does not have our interests at heart. Find another candidate. Make this one pay for his treason. Be American FIRST and a Republican second. The evidence is in front of your nose. Show us all how you can correct a mistake and do the right thing. Because the longer it goes on, the more damage that will be done and much of that damage will be difficult or impossible to repair. Yes, it might be embarrassing, but better to bite the bullet and do it, because the potential downfall of your party is at hand if you continue to support a man that is in it only for himself and his “friend” Putin.

    Mr. Jones also claims “the far-left are defectors not protectors of the U.S. Constitution.” If you’d like to find someone not respecting the Constitution, look at Trump and the GOP. Trump ignores the Emoluments Clause and enriches himself. He threatens to declare an emergency that does not exist, which many consider un-Constitutional. The GOP refused to uphold its Constitutional duty and oath and give hearings to President Obama’s SCOTUS nominee. Where was Mr. Jones when that happened? Ignoring it because he supported it, most likely.

    But Mr. Jones does tell the truth about one thing. We, as Democrats, are not sitting on the sidelines. We love our country and our ideals and we expect our government to uphold those ideals. Right now, it’s failing tragically. And it’s doing so intentionally. What we intentionally want to do is to make America great again through exercising our right to vote and electing leaders who will fulfill what the founders intended when they wrote our great founding document, the Constitution. We’re not perfect, and, frankly, never will be, but we can ensure that equality and justice for all people is supported in this great nation. Trump and the GOP are taking us backwards to the shameful days of discrimination and bigotry, to justice only for those who can afford it and have the right color skin, and to an economy dominated by the robber-barons. No real American should want any of that.

    Don’t accept lies and fear-mongering as actual political discourse. That approach harms us all.

  4. This is the Republican mantra. Nothing said in this letter is new. These are direct talking points that one can find from every commentator on Faux News or from any one of the rabid radio talk show hosts. It’s pure garbage. If you need to read or hear this kind of drivel, to bolster your position, then you are extremely weak. That’s what Trump and his merry band of Republicans want. Their message is addressed to the weak, for they are the only ones that they can convince. And yes, there are millions of these weak-minded souls just waiting to eat and drink this garbage. Fortunately, at the current time, they are in the minority and hopefully they will stay there.

  5. If you believe even a tenth of this letter, put on your MAGA dunce cap and turn on your gospel station: Fox News. No rational person could endorse a local political party whose chairman prevaricates as much as this one. The only urgency indicated is a reality check.

    Truth is stranger than fiction!