Our nation is drifting toward infanticide


It’s that sense of foreboding, when a fearful prognostication becomes reality. We, the nation that knows better, the nation that lives by higher ideals, are drifting into the orbit of infanticide.

The claim, made boldly, of “shout your abortion” from the likes of author and activist Lindy West, Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities (https://shoutyourabortion.com) is encouraging the jagged edge of the abortion movement from the point of conception to the actual birth and beyond.

The canonization of Dr. Kermit Gosnell cannot be far behind.

Honesty forces me to extend my appreciation to Virginia Rep. Kathy Tran and Governor Northam, admitting their legislation would allow abortions to the moment of delivery, because the veil of deception has finally been removed. Seven states and the District of Columbia are racing to the finish line of declaring that a fully formed infant, healthy and vibrant, has no more value than the refuse carried to the curb in our trash cans every week.

The Supreme Court’s determinations on fetal viability and health of the mother based upon an antiquated 1973 version of medical science is no longer the legal standard for many on the political-left. There is no standard in their minds, no point of viability, no metric on health of the mother and no criminal implications under any circumstances.

The argument is one of feelings and public utility. It’s nothing new. Civilizations eventually reach the point where any debauchery can be justified.

I have the displeasure of witnessing the silence of the masses who fervently pledged that non-viability of the infant or the health of the mother was paramount and the only reason to end a life. Others were more aggressive, consenting to abortion for any reason up to 20 weeks of development, but that was it.

Please do not refer to them as tissue. Admittedly so, we are talking about nothing more than a bag full of molecules, simple components of nature that we literally stamp on in everyday life like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, referring to those of us who are living.

Like the rest of us, even those supporting abortion have relevance even if they are nothing more than hosts of molecules with a consciousness and a desire to survive. Why not cast equal importance on the human beings in the womb with the same DNA, the same blood oozing inside, the same response to pain, equipped to survive and prosper on the planet like the wholly organic being in which the child resides prior to birth?

We follow the leftist ideology at our own peril. They allege to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States, but the enthusiastic obliteration of fully formed children without any justification makes a mockery of those claims.

All you need do is recount the periods in world history where the lives of specific people were devalued, ponder the results and remember how those acts were perceived in future years.

Steve Brown
Peachtree City, Ga.

[Brown is a former Peachtree City mayor and Fayette County commissioner]