Fayetteville taking reservations for Citizens Police Academy


The Fayetteville Police Department is taking reservations for residents interested in attending the next Citizens Police Academy that begins in early March.

The session will be held on Wednesday nights from March 6 – May 15, excluding April 3, and with applications due by Feb. 27. Applications are available in the police department lobby at 760 Jimmie Mayfield Boulevard in Fayetteville or by visiting https://fayetteville-ga.gov/city-departments/public-safety/police-department/programs.

The topics covered will include traffic laws, frauds and scams, illegal drug trends, crime scene investigation, defensive tactics, firearm safety, Shoot or Don’t Shoot topics and a patrol ride-along.

“This is an opportunity for our citizens to gain a better understanding of how law enforcement operates and why,” said Officer Eddie Hernandez. “Cadets will receive instruction on traffic law, patrol techniques, investigations, gangs, and more. Each cadet will be required to ride along with an officer for a portion of their shift, getting a firsthand look into the daily activities of police work. Also, as part of the academy, cadets will be placed into a simulated scenario where they must make split second decisions in the performance of their duties, including the necessary level of force.”

For additional information contact Officer Eddie Hernandez at 770-719-4295 or at [email protected]