Halt Democrats’ radicalization of America


The radicals in the Democrat Party have declared that if you do not agree with their radical agenda and you do not share their insatiable appetite for identity politics, you are a racist.

You are a racist if you are a Republican, conservative or independent, regardless of your race, gender, religious belief, or sexual preference. According to the radicals on the left, bigots and racists elected Donald J. Trump. Well, I voted for him.

The radical element in the Democrat Party has perfected the art of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of. They are the perpetrators of racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and on and on. Latest examples:

Brett Kavanaugh (now Justice Kavanaugh) was unjustly attacked by the radical left-wing Democrats throughout his confirmation hearing despite zero evidence that he had violated his accuser.

Governor Justin Edward Fairfax of Virginia was asked to resign by the radical left-wing Democrats without being given due process because it was politically expedient to toss him under the bus.

Covington students were falsely and fiercely attacked by the radical left-wing Democrats and their cohorts in the media as well as by a host of “fantasy islanders” aka celebrities.

The left-wing Democrats along with their 2020 presidential candidates believed the actor Jussie Smollett, and blamed President Trump. They called his attack a “modern day lynching.” They were amazingly speechless when it was revealed that Smollett reportedly staged his hate crime assault. Newsflash: he lied.

The radical left-wing Democrats demanded that Virginia’s Governor Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring resign for wearing blackface until the story broke about Lt. Gov. Fairfax. If the top three were to resign, the governor’s seat would have been filled by the Speaker of the House, a Republican. That one fact forced the radical left-wing Democrats and the media to suddenly execute a hasty retreat.

Ilahan Abdullahi Omar, the freshman congresswoman, made anti-Semitic comments and was given a pass despite her well-publicized hatred of Jews and Israel.

The left-wing radicals of the Democrat Party are die-hard hypocrites. They even use Jesus Christ as a political prop when it fits their political narrative. In defense of their support for illegal immigration Chuck Schumer tearfully said, “Jesus said, we must take care of the poor and the less fortunate.” Wait!

This is the party that did the following:

• voted God off their platform at their 2012 national convention.

• funded abortions with taxpayer dollars.

• most recently supported the killing of the born: infanticide.

How in the world can American citizens who are professed Christians become (let alone remain) paid members and registered supporters of this left-wing, progressive, socialist anti-Christ party? To me this raises one major question: Why?

I encourage all peace-loving, law-abiding Americans to resist the “resist movement.” The elected officials/representatives in Washington took an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the American people. Unfortunately, this is not the priority of Nancy Pelosi and the radicals in the Democrat Party. Their main focus is to resist President Trump even if it means sacrificing the safety and security of our nation.

We can put a stop to this madness. We, the American people, can help the President put a stop to illegal immigration; the flow of deadly drugs/opioids and sex and human trafficking. These unlawful and outrageous actions are happening every day. We can stop this by voting the radical Democrats out in 2020.

I am calling on every American patriot to join us now! Do not hesitate … Do not wait until it’s too late. Political power belongs to the people, not to the political elites who have their own political/social and economic agenda.

Tyrone K. Jones, Sr.
Chairman, Fayette County Republican Party
Peachtree City, Ga.