In view of the fact that we are getting a Med-Evac Hell-I-port rammed down our throats, I have been thinking of a better way of making decisions for all citizens of Fayette County.
Even a vote by those who live on Pine Trail Road, the street that borders the disputed lot of land, would have defeated this ridiculous idea. Only one person was for the heliport, and he wanted a job there. The rest of us opposed it. I know; I spoke with the neighbors on many occasions. I am 79 years old, have 9 stents and had a heart attack last year.
Only a handful of neighbors had been notified. The whole subdivision should have been informed. Some of us received maps that were misleading or incorrect.
I wonder if the City Council knows that they are working for the citizens. This includes the Huntington Creek subdivision. Pine Trail Road is part of it. Some Pine Trailers can afford the drop in real estate value and will move. Most of us can’t.
Does anyone know how much a transfer from Fayetteville to the nearest burn unit would cost?
I know I can’t afford it. I suffered a heart attack last year. My wife called 911. In 5 minutes the ambulance, police and fire department were at my house, they hooked me up and I was headed to the cath lab in less than 15 minutes from the time my wife called 911. You can’ beat that. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
I am not belittling the importance of a med-evac helicopter. You guys are great. But a landing place in that small area is wrong for you and wrong for us. We all deserve better.
Hans Heuchert
Fayetteville, Ga.
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