Tyrone Council to get pay bump

Tyrone Mayor Eric Dial. File photo.
Tyrone Mayor Eric Dial. File photo.

The Tyrone Town Council is set to increase the compensation to the mayor and council. The $200 increase to the council and $400 to the mayor will represent the first increase since at least 2005. If approved at a later meeting, the increase will become effective in January.

The idea behind the increase came from Councilman Ken Matthews at the recent council retreat. Currently, council members receive $400 per month while the mayor receives $800 per month.

Town staff researched the last time a pay increase was voted, finding that it was at least in 2005, though a search of the MuniCode system, which the town previously used, indicated that the current rate of compensation is believed to go back to the 1980s.

The vote to take the next step for an increase at the May 3 council meeting was 3-0. Councilman Ryan Housley was not at the meeting.

The vote was taken to move to the next step, which involves advertising the increase. The increase will return to the agenda at a subsequent meeting.

Once approved, and since a council cannot vote itself a raise, the increase will become effective on Jan. 1, when the next council term begins.