Retirement community approved for Fischer Crossings next to new COSTCO
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Retirement community approved for Fischer Crossings next to new COSTCO

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4 responses to “Retirement community approved for Fischer Crossings next to new COSTCO”
Dragnet, I agree that the TDK extension would have been the best solution, but I don’t see how that’s even an option now with the recreation area there.
The argument at the time was that it was an overflight area for Falcon Field and nothing could be developed there. Obviously the park and boat launch disprove that theory.
Those of us who were around at the time remember when 54/34 was being widened and a gas line was cut ( not once but TWICE ) near what is now the line creek nature area entrance and access to/from the west was shut down.
The only way into PTC was either go up into Tyrone and come back down 74, adding to already horrendous traffic, or go down through Senoia and come up from the South.
I had talked with the Fire Chief back then and he commented that from an emergency preparedness perspective, another avenue of access into and out of the city was needed.
Sorry to get up on my soap box on this, but it was one of our past mayors who was the biggest roadblocks, pun intended. ;-}
At this point I don’t know that there is a viable answer.
The alternate connection between PTC and Coweta by widening and building the bridge at TDK Blvd is more urgent now than ever. Otherwise PTC will be strangled forever. This is 20 years late.
As if access to/from PTC from Coweta county isn’t congested enough, another Big Box is going to do nothing but make the problem worse.
The only viable alternative would have been an alternate route into/out of PTC to take volume off the 54/74 corridor. That option was taken away years ago by political infighting and a Mayor who envisioned himself the smartest person in the room.
It’s already past critical mass with no solution.
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