Learn to row Saturday at Lake Mac


Peachtree City Rowing Club is holding its annual Learn to Row Day Saturday, July 13. The club will be offering free learn to row lessons at their facility at Lake McIntosh Park from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

This event is sponsored by USRowing and Concept2 and is held in rowing clubs and health clubs throughout the United States in an effort to promote national awareness of the sport of rowing as well as to engage youth and adults in learn to row programs.

Come meet some of our coaches and club members while testing out our boats and rowing machines! A Fayette Youth Fishing Rodeo will be held Saturday, July 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Luther Glass Park. The activitiy is for youth ages 5 to 12.

Registration is required and underway at www.peachtree-city.org/recreation (search “fishing”).