Piedmont Fayette Hospital Auxiliary awards scholarships to local students

Pictured, from left, are scholarship recipients Christopher Akin, Bridget Sanders, Emily Egan, Hailey Grebeck, and Kaile-Jaden Vathsany Bovapheng.
Pictured, from left, are scholarship recipients Christopher Akin, Bridget Sanders, Emily Egan, Hailey Grebeck, and Kaile-Jaden Vathsany Bovapheng.
The Piedmont Fayette Hospital Auxiliary awarded $7,500 in scholarships to local students interested in pursuing careers in healthcare.
Five students received $1,000 as Piedmont Fayette Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship recipients. They were Christopher Clark Akin, Brinkley Ann Braym, Morelia Torres Diaz, Bridget O’Malley Sanders, and Sophia S. Sutcavage.
Kaile-Jaden Vathsany Bovapheng and Hailey Marie Grebeck both received scholarships of $500.
Two students received the Debbie Johnson scholarship of $500: Emily Elizabeth Egan and Meghan Keirn.
Sahar Anis Ali received the Jean Cory scholarship of $500.