Board of Education has history of financial missteps


I agree, of course, with your report on the Fayette School Board and the comparison with Coweta schools.

Your paper ran several pieces I sent in several years ago, including one when the board tried to gain control over managing a proposed civic center. It was going to chip in several million to seal the deal.

At that time, I pointed out the blunders that bunch had made including the $15 million school it built and never opened. As you know, they took 50 cents on the dollar when they sold it to the Pinewood project.

And yes, they closed good schools in Tyrone and Brooks, with one in Tyrone shutting because, as the board declared, it had a septic problem.

Big deal, you shut down a decent school because of a septic problem.

And it became public the board gave the superintendent’s wife a $70,000 job a couple of years ago. Still not sure what she does to earn that fat paycheck.

I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your request for comments before this week’s Citizen came out. There is one guy on board I would love to vote against, but as you know, these people are lodged in “districts” where not everyone can vote on all of them. Old move to divide and conquer. Probably unconstitutional.

James Hightower

Tyrone, Ga.