Rep. Bonner parts company with Georgia Right to Life

<b>State Rep. Josh Bonner (R-Fayetteville)</b>
State Rep. Josh Bonner (R-Fayetteville)

When I first ran for office I earnestly sought the endorsement of Georgia Right to Life. At the time I believed they were interested in supporting legislation to save lives and end the abhorrent practice of abortion.

However, based on the actions of GRTL during this most recent session, I will no longer seek their endorsement and will not associate in any manner with the organization.

On June 4, 2019, I sent an e-mail to GRTL expressing my concerns and renouncing my previous endorsement. Several weeks later they sent a letter to my colleagues who voted for HB 481, pulling their endorsements.

Georgia Right to Life opposed HB 481 (Living Infants Fairness and Equality Act), which represents a significant victory for the cause. It is not a perfect bill, and we must work to ensure all lives are protected.

But I was disgusted to see GRTL oppose the bill (after first supporting it) and then use the bill to solicit donations for their organization.

I liken their position to that of a firefighter arriving at the scene of a burning building, assessing the situation and determining that he can only save 99 of the 100 people in the building.

HB 481 saves the 99. GRTL would stand by and let the building burn, killing all 100 inside.

I have no ill will toward the rank and file membership, but the leadership is truly misguided. I cannot in good faith recommend that any candidate seek their endorsement or anyone interested in protecting the sanctity of life give them one single dime.

Josh Bonner

Georgia House of Representatives

R-District 72

Fayetteville, Ga.