Marine Corps League needs reinforcements for ‘Toys for Tots’


Those big white “Toys for Tots” boxes have become, for many, a holiday staple, a sign that Christmas is, once again, upon us. For members of the local Marine Corps League Detachment 1325, the organization that organizes the toy drive, Southside Toys for Tots and the Marine Corps League have become synonymous. Today, the Marine Corps League needs reinforcements to continue its Christmas mission.

“Our local community has been a huge financial and toy donation supporter, but we are worried that without some volunteer help, those boxes may become a thing of the past. If we can’t find some volunteers to step up, within our community then we may have to go without the Toys for Tots program,” said Jeff White, the Local Coordinating Officer for Fayette, Coweta, Heard and Meriwether counties. “We have grown from helping 1,700 children in 2010 to over 5,100 children in 2018. It’s become too much for our current group of volunteers to handle. We feel bad because we understand the service it provides.”

“It has become our identity. Southside Toys for Tots and the Marine Corps League, they’re one and the same. This is one of our biggest service programs” said co-founder Mike Foran.

White said the 2019 season, which officially kicked off on Oct. 1, started for Southside Toys for Tots without a warehouse in Peachtree City or Newnan and had a significant shortage of volunteers. Volunteer opportunities are available for individuals of all ages and for church, school or service organizations of all sizes. Help is needed between Nov. 4 and Dec. 18 and varies from three hours to as much as you want to help, said White.

“We are reaching out to high schools, churches, scouts, service organizations and businesses in an effort to find volunteer help” said Foran.

In an average year, the Southside Toys for Tots collects and sorts nearly 20,000 toys and distributes them to children in need in four counties. Toys for Tots use various non- profit organizations to help distribute the toys. Southside Toys for Tots is a local volunteer group working under the authority of the 501(c)(3) approved Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation. 100 percent of local donations stay in the four local counties, White explained.

“We almost didn’t have Toys for Tots at all this year. If it wasn’t for a few people stepping up to take on additional responsibility and the hope that volunteers would be found, we wouldn’t have done it.” said White, who has led or co-led the Southside Toys for Tots program since it started in 2010. “Bottom line, to get the mission accomplished we need two 2,500-3,000 sq. ft facilities to sort and distribute toys.” White said one, 3,000-4,000 sq. ft. facility will work if it can be found between Newnan and Peachtree City. The group also needs volunteers to help at Walmart Collection Weekends, which accounts for one-third of the toys collected, and the distribution and collection of the Toy Collection Boxes.

The Southside Toys for Tots formed in 2010 to serve the southside of Atlanta counties with a local and more personal touch than the Atlanta Foundation could. It has grown because of the financial generosity of the Fayette and Coweta communities. It has become a community asset that helps the most in-need children in our community.

“We need this wonderfully giving community to volunteer their time to help ensure the 5,100-plus children we serve, experience the joy of a Christmas present on Christmas Day,” said White.

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