Grateful patient makes donation for cardiovascular equipment

From left are Jewel Kennedy, Jim Kennedy and cardiologist Nimish Dhruva, M.D.

Jim Kennedy and his family have been long-time patients of cardiologist Nimish Dhruva, M.D. During a recent appointment at Piedmont Heart Institute at Piedmont Fayette Hospital, the two men discussed Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Tests (CPET) and Dr. Dhruva mentioned that Piedmont Fayette did not have the equipment for the test. This meant that heart failure patients often had to travel to Atlanta to have the test done.

“Mr. Kennedy asked how much the equipment to perform the test would cost. I gave an estimate, but he asked me to look up an exact cost,” Dr. Dhruva said. “When we found it, he wanted to write a check on the spot. His generosity is beyond belief.”

A CPET assesses the performance of the heart and lungs at rest and during exercise. A patient breathes through a mouthpiece while they perform mild exercise and the purpose is to measure oxygen consumption.

As a grateful patient himself, Kennedy was inspired to make a difference for others. He met with Piedmont Fayette CEO Steve Porter and Andrea Mendez, Director of Major Gifts to discuss his potential gift of support. Once Kennedy was assured that the CPET test equipment would stay at Piedmont Fayette, he made a generous donation of $40,000 to the Piedmont Healthcare Foundation to fund the purchase. The hospital is currently building out the room for the equipment and plans to offer the service soon.

“We’ve developed a good relationship with Dr. Dhruva and Piedmont over the years,” said Kennedy. “It’s good for us to have this equipment on the south side and it can really help both Piedmont and the community.”

Kennedy and members of his family have been patients of Dr. Dhruva’s for nearly 20 years. Kennedy is grateful for the care they have received and the relationships that have developed. Piedmont’s purpose is to make a positive difference in every life they touch. Jim Kennedy knows the difference that Dr. Dhruva and Piedmont have made in his life and was happy to return the favor.

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