Peachtree City Kiwanis 29th pancake breakfast is January 25


The Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City will host it’s annual all you can eat Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, January 25, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McIntosh High School.

For the 29th consecutive year, the “premier social event” of the New Year, offers families, friends, and neighbors the chance to socialize while enjoying the all you can eat pancakes, zesty sausage, orange juice, milk, and coffee. The cost is $9 and kids 4 and under eat free.

In addition to great food, kids of all ages can enjoy face painting, clowns, balloons, and Flapjack the Raccoon. A special appearance will include the Peachtree City D.A.R.E. officers and a chance to see Fire and Police vehicles.

The Peachtree City Kiwanis Club, formed in 1971 is dedicated to improving the lives of children while making a difference in our community. The annual pancake breakfast, along with other key fundraising events enables Kiwanis to return 100% of the proceeds back into the community. Since the clubs inception, the Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City has donated $1.5 Million back to our community.

The proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast event support a variety of community projects including D.A.R.E. (Drug awareness and education program), Key Clubs, K-kids programs (programs focused on leadership and community service), Boys and Girls Scouts, Art and Music Showcase, Georgia Sheriffs Youth Homes, Meals on Wheels, March for Babies, and the Southern Crescent Alzheimer’s Walk.

We invite everyone to come and enjoy a hearty breakfast, socialize and help make a difference in our community.