Christian City seeks nominees for Community Champion Awards


Do you know an individual, non-profit or business organization that has made an indelible impact on improving the greater Atlanta community?

Christian City is honoring individuals, businesses and non-profits that have demonstrated outstanding leadership and commitment towards the betterment of our greater Atlanta community. Our 2019 honorees were Stephanie Blank, Delta Air Lines, and The Westside Future Fund.

To nominate your deserving candidate for a 2020 award, visit or contact LaVann Landrum at [email protected].

The 2020 Community Champions Awards Ceremony will be held Thursday, October 29, at the Georgia Aquarium, with a VIP reception from 6 to 7 p.m. and the dinner and program beginning at 7. Individual tickets for the event are $500. A table of 10 is $5,000, and sponsorships range from $5,000 to $25,000. To purchase tickets or sponsor the event, visit

Proceeds benefit Christian City where children in dire need of safety and a loving home and family can get the help they deserve. Children served by Christian City Children’s Village, Crossroads Foster Care and Adoption and Safe Place Runaway and Homeless Youth programs lack loving home environments and the basic necessities of life. Your participation and support of the evening helps us ensure that these children get the care of adults they can trust and a safe place to live and helps provide food, clothing, medical care, educational supplies, and more.