Online registration open for pre-k, kindergarten, new students


The Fayette County Public School System is now accepting online enrollment applications (of current Fayette County residents) for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students for the 2020-2021 school year.

Additionally, students residing in the county who currently attend private school, home school, or a non-Fayette County public school, and plan to attend Fayette County Public Schools in the fall, can also register now for the 2020-2021 school year.

Visit the Enrollment and Records Center webpage at for information regarding the required online registration and enrollment documents.

Completing the Infinite Campus online registration portion begins the registration process.  Once this process is complete, parents will be contacted by the Enrollment and Records Center staff regarding the next steps.

Parents must be homeowner residents or lease residents with a term end date of September 2020 or beyond in order to register their student. Student applications via affidavit enrollment will begin July 1.