Sheila Annette McKenzie

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<b>Sheila Annette McKenzie</b>
Sheila Annette McKenzie

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Sheila Annette McKenzie on March 20, 2020.

Sheila was born May 16, 1937 to Nellie Blanche Duncan and Noel Mac Cormack in Kingston, Jamaica. She had 3 sisters, Jeane Hageman (Calgary, Canada), Marie Simmons (Barbados) and Noelle Patricia Ramcharan (Trinidad).

She is survived by children Anne Marie (Steve), Bryan (Nikki) and Carey (Cristal) and grandchildren Natalie, Adam, Simone, Collin and Malcolm. She was a loving mother, grandmother, wife and friend and dearly loved by all. She will be greatly missed.

During this time of COVID19 we are postponing the memorial service until a later date in the summer. At that time the service will be in Maryland. For more details please contact her family.