‘Have Your Say’ in Citizen Facebook polls


What’s your say?  December 31, as we celebrated the New Year, who would have thought we would shelter in place for 8 weeks with churches, businesses and schools closed, students learning virtually from home and, many people working from home as well. Who could have imagined an economic shut down with the subsequent jobs and revenue loss? No graduations, no weddings, and no funerals. Would you have believed it !?!

2020 has been really crazy so far. In the last 3 months, it seems like life has been turned upside down. It started simple enough with us being told to wash our hands and sneeze into our elbow. We playfully came up with foot bumps and elbow taps to replace the handshake. It still seemed like the pandemic was someplace else, far away.

Then it got real. Overnight all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes disappeared off the store shelves. And numbers and charts started replacing memes teaching us to wash our hands.

As the state has prepared to start reopening, we asked our readers some questions that, quite frankly, we never expected to be asking. We knew the questions had a lot of variables, but we chose to use Facebook polls asking for simple yes or no answers.  Having only yes or no for the answer, requires one to really think seriously, deep down,  cut and dry, how you feel.

And here is your say…

On April 23: With hair and nail salons opening tomorrow, are you ready to make an appointment in the next week?

155 (83%)  said NO

31 (17%)  said YES

On April 25:  If you regularly attend church services, we know you miss meeting in person. But, do you feel it is the right time to reopening churches for in person services?

568  (85%) said NO

99  (15%) said YES

April 27: With restaurants opening, are you going to dine out this week?

649  (81%) said NO

151  (19%) said YES

April 27:  It is reported that Trump will be paring down the daily coronavirus press conferences. In your opinion, yes or no, have the daily briefings been good for the country or have they raised the level of anxiety.

Yes: I think the press conferences have helped me understand what the government is doing to fight the virus. I wish they would continue.

No: I think the press conferences have raised my level of anxiety. I’m glad they are not continuing.

424 (56%) said NO

338 ( 44%) said YES

On April 30th:  Georgia’s shelter-in-place order will expire tonight, April 30, at 11:59 p.m. The public health state of emergency continues through May 13. Do you want Kemp to extend the shelter in place or are you ready for restrictions to be lifted?

YES: Gov. Kemp should extend the shelter in place.

NO: It is time for the shelter in place to be lifted.

717  (55%) said NO

579  (45%) said YES

On April 30th (with two days left in the poll): we asked readers working from home due to Covid 19 Shelter in place, if your employer offered you the opportunity to work from home after the threat is lifted, would you consider it?

241 said YES

40 said NO

Thanks to everyone who participated. Watch for more polls on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mycitizen/