Fayette leads state in Census self-response


Pandemic or not, the self-response phase of the 2020 Census is underway. In Georgia, Fayette County leads the state in the percentage of residents who have taken the census.

Georgia has 159 counties and of those, 70.4 percent of households in Fayette County had taken the census online as of May 11, according to the Georgia Weekly Newsletter. That percentage clearly leads the state in census response.

Looking statewide, Hancock County in east central Georgia, at 21.6 percent, has the lowest number of households responding.

The counties with 64 percent or more of households responding include, Coweta, Forsyth, Oconee and Paulding counties.

A review of participation statewide, a large number of counties showed 30-60 percent of households responding.

As for the door-to-door phase of the census and considering the Covid-19 pandemic, that operation depend on guidance from federal, state and local authorities, according to census.gov

To take the census online visit www.my2020census.gov