A Better Way Movers helps men move into a better life

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A Better Way Movers Office Manager John Kidney with one of the signature moving trucks at the company's Peachtree City location on Dividend Drive. Photo/Ben Nelms.

A Better Way Movers helps men move into a better life

A Better Way Movers Office Manager John Kidney with one of the signature moving trucks at the company's Peachtree City location on Dividend Drive. Photo/Ben Nelms.
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There are plenty of moving companies in the area Fayette and Coweta counties. One of those has movers willing to do something extraordinary these days — to pray for the family and their new home after the move.

A Better Way Movers is a company used to help fund A Better Way Ministries, an 18-month Christ-centered and Biblically-based discipleship program for men struggling with life-controlling issues. The proceeds from the moving company helps the program participants eat, and pays the rent for the homes they live in.

Office Manager John Kidney said the company has approximately 40 movers ready to meet the needs of those moving to a new location. Kidney said about half of those are in the program, with the other half as paid graduates of A Better Way. The company occasionally hires men off the street, with the understanding that they be respectful of the organization’s Christian-based mission.

A program graduate himself, Kidney has seen the continued growth of A Better Way Movers since he entered the program and later graduated.

Though the company’s primary focus is residential moving, Kidney said there is some commercial moving, help with boxing up items for the move and varied types of work at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Fayetteville.

The day at A Better Way Movers begins with a devotional, and a time for praise and worship, said Kidney.

Because the company is Christian-based, there is the expectation that staff will carry themselves in a professional manner, and be mindful and respectful of those who have recently entered the program and what they are trying to achieve in their recovery, Kidney noted.

“We have a lot of hard-working guys here, who are working hard for our customers and themselves,” said Kidney.

Well-known in the area for their signature moving trucks, the movers bring a unique approach to their job.

“One of the biggest things we’re known for is asking the customer if we can pray for the home and the family after a move,” said Kidney, explaining that doing so is at the discretion of the customer, with the movers respecting their wishes either way. “We’ve had people tell us that they are honored that we would pray for them and their home.”

There are also occasions where someone is moved at no cost. Such was the case with an older woman who was recently widowed and needed help.

“We assess the need on a case-by-case basis, and try to figure out if we can help,” Kidney said.

A Better Way Ministries notes that the men who enter the 18-month ministry program live, work and study alongside others, and will be properly equipped to seek Jesus Christ for the answers they desperately need. A Better Way Ministries is not simply a rehab facility — it is a discipleship program.

Located in Senoia, A Better Way is a Biblically-based and Christ-centered refuge for men who are between the ages of 17 and 60.

“We are not just a rehab where men come to deal with addiction issues, but also where they can learn about the love of the God who created them. They will live, work and practice being men of integrity, dignity and honor.  We are passionate about guiding our students to become fully transformed men of God, leaving destructive life patterns behind and helping them establish a new normal,” according to A Better Way Ministries.

Located at 320 Dividend Drive in Peachtree City, the site is where A Better Way operates its thrift store and the moving company. It is also the location where large, custom tables found at Chick-fil-A restaurants are made.

For more information visit www.abetterwayministries.com.

<b>A Better Way Movers crew stand together at the end of a long day of moving a widow and her son into their first home in four years. It was a 2-truck all-day job that was performed at no charge to the family. Photo/Cal Beverly.</b>
A Better Way Movers crew stand together at the end of a long day of moving a widow and her son into their first home in four years. It was a 2-truck all-day job that was performed at no charge to the family. The photo was taken just after the crew prayed with the family and blessed their new home. Photo/Cal Beverly.

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