City Hall employee in Peachtree City tests positive for Covid-19


Precautions are being taken resulting from a Peachtree City employee who works in City Hall testing positive for Covid-19.

City Manager Jon Rorie on Wednesday said an employee in the Planning and Development Department tested positive for the virus. The department is in the downstairs area of City Hall.

Rorie said the downstairs area has been disinfected and employees working in the area have been told not to report to work until the end of a 14-day quarantine period or until they show negative results on two Covid-19 tests.

All operations in the department remain functional online or by telephone, Rorie said, noting that the phone system transfers calls to the office to staff’s personal phone lines.

The upstairs portion of City Hall and all other city buildings remain open, with Rorie saying that, since the beginning of the pandemic, employees have the option to wear a mask if they choose to do so.

Rorie said the city continues to follow the directives of Gov. Brian Kemp as well as CDC guidelines.