Fayette’s AVPRIDE to give away 100 prescription drug lock boxes


Association of Village PRIDE, Inc. (AVPRIDE), a local youth leadership development organization whose mission is to empower our youth to make informed decisions and become resilient and successful as conscious, productive, and contributing societal leaders, announces a Lock Box Giveaway for Fayette County beginning August 17.

The prescription drug lock boxes are medication storage containers that help safeguard medications in the home. They look like books, but have a compartment to store medications. They can easily be hidden in plain sight, disguised but still accessible.

Data has shown that youth have undue access to prescription medications in their homes and in the homes of friends and family members. Inasmuch as a great number of kids are staying home this fall, attending school virtually, AVPRIDE thinks it is now more important than ever to make sure the youth in our community are safe.

AVPRIDE’s Community Health Educator, Kenisha Washington, says, “According to the Georgia Student Health Survey, a survey taken by students annually that identifies safety and health issues that negatively impacts student achievement and school climate, the number of students in Fayette County using someone else’s prescription medications has increased from 2019-2020. If we do not take this epidemic seriously and not do all we can to protect the youth in our community, the number will continue to rise and the entire community will suffer greatly.”

To receive a free lock box, complete the form at tinyurl.com/y5arrahg . Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email that details pick up dates, times, and location.

Follow AVPRIDE on Facebook, AVPRIDE, Inc , and on Instagram, @avpride1996, to stay up to date with their community activities.