The City of Peachtree City, in an effort to plan for its future, is performing a study to explore opportunities for re-envisioning certain segments of the City as vibrant, walkable places that encourage increased mobility, healthy lifestyles and improved access to jobs and services. The City needs to hear from YOU!

An original Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) was completed in 2001, but a lot has changed and an update is needed. LCI plans produce land use, transportation, and economic development recommendations to improve the livability of study areas, and the LCI plan will make Peachtree City eligible for implementation funding, particularly for proposed transportation projects.

Public input is vital to the success of the recommendations. The current study area is centered around the intersection of Highways 54 and 74, extending east to Lake Peachtree, south to Paschall Road, west to the County line, and north to Aberdeen Parkway. Concept plans have been developed based on initial stakeholder interviews, the Kick-off Meeting held in February, and LCI survey input. Public input on these plans is being gathered NOW!

A Design Workshop event will be held at the City fireworks on September 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Drake Field. Look for designated tents. Social distancing, masks, and sanitization will all be required to keep everyone safe.

A Draft Plan Open House will also be held at City Hall on October 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. Please visit both of these events to ensure that your voice is heard.

You may also participate virtually by visiting our Virtual Pop-Up at  www.myptc.konveio.com until September 18. It is a fun way to review the first draft of the proposed concept plans and provide your input and comments!

For more information on Peachtree City’s LCI study, please visit www.peachtreecitylci.com or contact Robin Cailloux at [email protected]