The Whitewater High School football team has been quarantined after an athlete tested positive for Covid-19 following the Sept. 25 game in Carroll County.
“An athlete on the Whitewater High School football team has tested positive for Covid-19 following a game with Central-Carroll High School on Sept. 25,” said school system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach.
The football player is a virtual student, so students attending Whitewater High, outside of those who are on the football team, are not impacted, she added.
Working in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH), the entire football team and associated students and staff have been quarantined for 14 days, said Berry-Dreisbach.
The school system has notified Central Carrollton High about the positive case as per GDPH guidelines.
Whitewater High does not have a scheduled football game for Oct. 2, but will have to cancel the following game scheduled for Oct. 9.
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