Ho-ho-ho! Fayetteville Christmas Parade is still on for Dec. 5


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many annual events to be cancelled. But not the Fayetteville Christmas Parade and the activities that come with it. The festivities will be held on Dec. 5 in downtown Fayetteville.

Main Street Fayetteville is wrapping up the 2020 event season on Saturday, Dec. 5, with its annual Christmas on Main Street, including the traditional parade, tree lighting, holiday treats and visits with Santa. Additional rules and procedures will be in place this year to help reduce the spread of Covid-19.

Beginning at 5 p.m., the Christmas Parade will roll along its regular route through the Courthouse Square. Southern Crescent Chorale will fill the air with Christmas favorites at 6 p.m., culminating with the lighting of the Christmas Tree at the Heritage Park Fountain. Children will visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus in the Lane Brown Gazebo from 6-8 p.m.

Civic clubs, businesses, and other groups wanting to be in the parade will find registration information at www.fayetteville-ga.gov/events.

“We are so grateful we can host this event again this year, especially considering the challenges we have faced in 2020,” said Main Street Fayetteville Program Manager Joyce Waits. “Christmas on Main Street is one of our most popular events each year, and we look forward to seeing all of those smiling faces in downtown Fayetteville.

“This year’s event will be different, of course,” Waits continued. “Guests waiting in lines will need to wear face coverings, food and beverage servers will be wearing gloves, as will people who hand out candy in the parade. Also, when children visit Santa and Mrs. Claus in the Lane Brown Gazebo, there will be social distancing measures in place to keep everyone safe.”

Free hot chocolate and popcorn will be provided 6-8 p.m. Fayetteville Christian Church will distribute the hot chocolate and McDonough Road Baptist Church will distribute the popcorn.

The Sweetwater Creek Grill food truck will be on location serving up hotdogs, hamburgers, nachos, desserts and drinks 4-8 p.m.