Fayette‘s 2020 population rises to 119,000, ARC estimates

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Fayette‘s 2020 population rises to 119,000, ARC estimates

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The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) 2020 Annual Report for Fayette County lists local communities receiving $15 million in federal and state transportation funds for multiple projects. The report also estimates Fayette’s April 2020 population at more than 119,000.

The report noted that ARC works closely with local governments and community partners in Fayette County to improve quality of life and secure future success. The 2020 report measured progress in Fayette in the three long-range goals of the Atlanta region’s plan: providing world-class infrastructure, fostering healthy, livable communities and developing a competitive economy.

The review of Fayette’s infrastructure showed $15 million in federal and state transportation funds allocated by ARC to the county. Projects include: multi-use path at Redwine Road and Starr’s Mill School Complex; and resurfacing Beauregard/Redwine Road, Peachtree Parkway South and Tyrone Road.

A look at mobility, based on 322 Fayette residents who participated in the Georgia Commute Options program, showed 895,063 fewer miles travelled, saving $519,136 in fuel and vehicle maintenance costs.

The healthy, livable communities’ portion of the report reviewed ARC’s work to foster vibrant, pedestrian-friendly communities and support healthy living and aging by offering a range of services for older people and individuals with disabilities.

What might come as a surprise to some was Fayette’s estimated April 2020 population, which ARC placed at 119,400. Fayette’s 2015 population was estimated at 110,700. That number had increased to 116,200 in 2018, ARC said.

Also in the livable communities portion of the report, a total of $649,299 in state and federal funds to Fayette Senior Services for direct services was provided to Fayette residents, including congregate and home-delivered meals, in-home support services, transportation and case management.

Additionally, ARC’s RSVP Volunteer Program clocked 3,129 volunteer hours and reached 11,352 individuals.

ARC also awarded two livable Centers Initiative (LCI) grants in Fayette.

One of those was a $160,000 grant to Tyrone to focus on projects that promote people-oriented improvements, including a streetscape plan, Town Center property/ facilities assessment, a Town Center park study and a traffic/parking plan.

The second went to Fayetteville, where $100,000 will be used to provide the city with a framework for new development and improvements to the roadway and streetscape networks.

The report said ARC allocated $5.4 million regionwide in federal Families First and CARES Act dollars, as well as philanthropic funding, providing a range of critical services including caregiving, wellness support, and nutrition services. By July 2020, ARC had allocated $173,288 in Fayette County to help respond to COVID-19 related needs.

In terms of the competitive economy portion of the report, ARC said 34 Fayette youth received training through WorkSource Atlanta Regional’s NextGen workforce and education program.

Additionally, 51 Fayette County residents received training through WorkSource Atlanta Regional’s Career Resource Center.

Also included in the report, six Fayette County residents took part in ARC leadership programs, including: Regional Leadership Institute (RLI), Arts Leaders of Metro Atlanta (ALMA), and Model Atlanta Regional Commission (MARC).

The report was based on data for the period ending June 30, except population data which is for the year ending April 30.

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