Fayette tallies 58 new Covid cases


While new cases and hospitalizations of Covid-19 patients are trending downward statewide, Fayette County seems to be taking longer to catch up with the state trend.

Locally, Fayette reported 58 new Covid cases Feb. 8, bringing its pandemic total to 5,487 cases since March 2020, according to the daily tally from the Georgia department of Public Health.

The county had 560 positive test results over the past 14 days, DPH said, a daily average of 40 cases, or a 2-week positive rate of 9.4%. The Fayette death toll held steady at 108 victims as of Feb. 8, DPH reported.

The state added 2,488 new cases to bring the total to 775,466. Statewide deaths were 35, for a pandemic total of 13,361, the DPH report said.

As shown in the graph above, the number of people being treated for Covid in hospitals dropped to 3,434, which is 21.9% of all people in the state’s hospital beds. That’s down from a Jan. 13 high of 5,717 Covid patients, a point when Covid patients were more than one-third of all hospital patients.

Below is the DPH graph of all Covid cases over time, showing a continuing drop in the 7-day moving average of new Covid cases.