Covid numbers drop statewide and locally, a hopeful marker

Data from the Georgia Department of Public Health showing the current number of Covid-19 patients occupying hospital beds across the state.
Data from the Georgia Department of Public Health showing the current number of Covid-19 patients occupying hospital beds across the state.

Nationally and across Georgia, the January Covid-19 surge has become the February decline, according to both national and state figures.

Nationally, new case numbers have dropped 56% over a month, according to the Wall Street Journal. In Georgia, the 2-week infection rate is sliding steadily downward from its 20% peak Jan. 7 and 8 to 11.5% a month later on Feb. 9.

In Fayette, the 2-week infection rate has dropped from over 15% in early January to its current level of 9.3% as of Feb. 9, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health. In new Fayette case numbers that translates to 2-week totals in the 700+ range in January down to  the low 500s in the first days of February.

Fayette reported 18 new cases Feb. 9 for a pandemic total of 5,505, with 108 fatalities since last March. Local resident hospitalizations now total 205 since pandemic beginning.

Statewide, the number of current Covid patients actually occupying hospital beds has fallen from a Jan. 13 high of 5,717 — or 33.7% of all hospitalized patients — to a current number 3,375 — 21.3% of all patients. That a drop of 2,342 beds occupied by Covid patients, making room for people with other ailments.

Statewide, new cases reported Feb. 9 were 2,583, to bring the pandemic total to 778,049. Deaths are at 13,481, with 120 new fatalities reported Feb. 9, acoording to DPH.