Local student concerned about climate change


I have seen many articles in the news lately about the climate crisis. Some articles describe the effects of the climate crisis, and it scares me.

The IPCC, a panel of scientists all over the world studying the climate crisis, has reported that “We only have 12 years left before climate change becomes irreversible.” As a 13-year-old girl, this fact scares me.

I have done extensive research on this topic and have noticed that this will affect my home state of Georgia. The coastal cities like Savannah will be in jeopardy from the rising seas, the hurricane season will be longer and more intense, fires will increase, and most of all, the temperatures will be higher than ever before.

The news may not focus on climate change often, but we need to give more value to this emergency, especially in Georgia.

I have published articles in my school’s newspaper, The Warrior Times, (Let’s Talk Climate Change) and am currently publishing another article in the magazine, Lake Kedron Living. (Is There Anything We Can Do About the Climate Crisis?) I am requesting that I publish an article in The Citizen explaining this topic more in depth.

Keira Lee

Peachtree City, Ga.

[The editor replies: Keira, The Citizen welcomes your contribution.]


  1. As a fan of real science vs. media hype: The fact that the media managed to instill fear into a 13 year old is all the convincing I needed to abandon any thought of using current data to justify further research vs panicking. Schools should now drop all science if favor of teaching the kids to believe everything the media says and be afraid, be VERY afraid.

  2. I applaud anyone with the motivation to study climate change. I, for one, believe global climate change is a real concern. I am concerned for my offspring, grandchildren, future descendants, as well as for humanity. Current ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers) modeling shows the house where I grew up will be under coastal low tide levels by 2050. I’ve seen a dermatologist semiannually for over 15 years due to sun skin damage. Whether primary causes for global climate change are biological, sociological, geological (to include polar shifting), or astronomical, I believe the potential impact on humanity is very real.

  3. If rising sea levels are a real threat…..then why are insurance companies still writing policies to insure homes along the coasts and in low-lying areas?? Insurance companies have some of the best actuaries employed…..and they apparently agree with me that it’s not a real threat. Just some food for thought. I don’t expect you to see the foolishness of your beliefs, but just hoping maybe you’ll begin to think for yourself instead of drinking the Kool aid from the DNC hydrant.

  4. Owl…..i’m no grandpa. But thanks for thinking that someone with my youth has the wisdom of someone older. Why hasn’t anyone been able to answer (or dared to answer?) why EVERY dire climate disaster prediction has been DEAD WRONG? EVERY ONE. No one that I know of – including me – is against conserving resources, or treating our planet better, or polluting less, recycling, or being kind to our planet. What we ARE against is the bloviating, loudmouth, know-it-all’s that make up some crazy claim that’s NOT based on science, and then use that claim to cram some Eco-Nazi policy down our throats.

    So – can anyone answer why the predictions have all been wrong? Or tell me one that’s been right? I may even trade in my diesel-guzzling truck for a Tesla truck if you can prove me wrong on this.

  5. You go girl (author) … back in the late ‘60s when I was your age; we took a stand as classmates against air and water pollution. I was appalled to see firsthand, factories spew toxins in the air and literally dump hazardous chemicals and sludge waste into our streams and rivers. Although we were young then, we represented the future of this country and I would like to think that our parents were listening.

    In 1970 the EPA was established out of public concerns over human activity and its impact on the environment. This lead to several government acts such as the Clean Air and Water Acts, Toxic Substances Control Act, Chemical Safety Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, just to name a few.

    And yes there were many detractors over all of this back in the day, including a political party in the early ‘80s that thought this was all government overreach and over-regulating businesses. Tip: review Anne Gorsuch and her New Federalism approach as the new head of the agency.

    You see Miss Lee, I would like to think that some 50-60 years ago we “youngsters” were striving for a better environmental future back then. And I am glad that your generation is striving for the same as well.

  6. I have studied History for years and climate changes happen and were happening for 1000’s of years. I encourage you to read about certain events like the submersion of Doggerland which linked England to Jutland prior to 6000 BC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doggerland. I would also encourage you to read up on the history of Iceland and Greenland and also the “little ice age”. It is good to be “green” but the technology is not there yet and countries like India and China disrupt the environment with tons of dirty energy and horrible policies that pollute the world. I have personally tried to go with Geothermal heat and air and Solar but the prices are unaffordable and in the case of Solar storage of the energy is almost non-existent.

  7. I think it’s great that a young student is taking an interest in contributing to society instead of learning the latest TikTok dance move. But it saddens me that the myth of manmade climate is already taking root in them.

    My dear young person, for years politicians and prognosticators have consistently warned about having an arbitrary amount of time before some irreversible catastrophic change occurs – and in EVERY single case they have been dead wrong. We’ve been told the Earth is running out of crude oil (there’s more supply than ever). We are told the earth is warming and man is the cause, yet no one can explain what caused the warming that caused glaciers that covered much of the northern states thousands of years ago to recede. They cannot explain how the ozone hole – which was supposed to kill us all – has mysteriously closed (while receiving no fanfare from the media).

    Climate fear mongers often have an ulterior motive – and fear of harm is the tool they use to obtain their goal, which is usually a monetary reward or grant, or a business model that the free market will not sustain without government intervention.

    Before you submit yourself to a pursuit of fake science and foolery, might I suggest you do a little research and Googling to find out a little about the previous predictions that never came true. And dig into the people predicting them and find out why they don’t practice what they preach.

    One more free tidbit: if ocean levels were actually going to rise, don’t you think people would be selling homes along the coast? Liberals would be fleeing Martha’s Vineyard while they could, and selling valuable real estate before it becomes worthless. Yet not a single one of them has sold for this reason. And that’s because

  8. I think it’s great that a young student is taking an interest in contributing to society instead of learning the latest TikTok dance move. But it saddens me that the myth of manmade climate is already taking root in them.

    My dear young person, for years politicians and prognosticators have consistently warned about having an arbitrary amount of time before some irreversible catastrophic change occurs – and in EVERY single case they have been dead wrong. We’ve been told the Earth is running out of crude oil (there’s more supply than ever). We are told the earth is warming and man is the cause, yet no one can explain what caused the warming that caused glaciers that covered much of the northern states thousands of years ago to recede. They cannot explain how the ozone hole – which was supposed to kill us all – has mysteriously closed (while receiving no fanfare from the media).

    Climate fear mongers often have an ulterior motive – and fear of harm is the tool they use to obtain their goal, which is usually a monetary reward or grant, or a business model that the free market will not sustain without government intervention.

    Before you submit yourself to a pursuit of fake science and foolery, might I suggest you do a little research and Googling to find out a little about the previous predictions that never came true. And dig into the people predicting them and find out why they don’t practice what they preach.

    One more free tidbit: if ocean levels were actually going to rise, don’t you think people would be selling homes along the coast? Liberals would be fleeing Martha’s Vineyard while they could, and selling valuable real estate before it becomes worthless. Yet not a single one of them has sold for this reason.

    • Sorry for that duplicate post. Big thumbs and an iPhone keyboard doth not make a good combination.

      What I was trying to finish saying is that liberals know this is a farce because none of them have bothered to sell their oceanfront properties, nor have they sold their private jets to save fossil fuel. Instead they preach about how they MUST travel on a fuel guzzling jet or SUV in order to SAVE the planet, meanwhile you have to pay higher electric bills to purchase carbon offsets which will line the fat pockets of their private sector beneficiary buddies who are the ones proposing solar and carbon offsets.

      • It’s sad that Wing believes the Koch brothers instead of the scientific community. Feel free to fiddle while the earth suffers. Thankfully, the current administration (unlike the previous one) isn’t allergic to science.

        Truth is stranger than fiction.

        • I actually have no idea what the Koch Brothers believe and I don’t care. I believe science when it’s solid but theories are a dime a dozen. Is our climate changing? Absolutely. But to believe that it’s manmade factors causing the damage is also to believe that it’s never changed for millions of years before this – and we know that’s not true. Solar activity causes warming and cooling patterns, that’s proven science yet Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio and Greta seem to ignore that. To believe climate change is manmade and to believe the Al Gores of the world is to also allow THEM to do do whatever they want while you pay the price.

          Look – I have been on Al Gores property in west Nashville and seen how he lives. I’ve watched stars lecture us about climate change as they hop in and out of their private jets and homes that consume more megawatts than 500 small homes combined. I don’t trust people who don’t practice what they preach. I also grew up on a farm and I understand the importance of soil conservation and of taking care of the earth we live on and leaving it better for the future generations. I don’t trust these virtue-signaling idiots who say one thing and do another.

          More science fun for you – we’ve only been keeping accurate weather data for less than 100 years. We have very little accurate data for the thousands of years prior. And yet you want to trust climate “scientists” who cannot accurate predict weather for more than 3-4 days, to tell us they know all about climate change? In the words of our verbally-eloquent leader who can’t remember that there was a vaccine before he took office – “come on man”.

          PS – can science tell us what caused global warming and climate change years ago and caused the glaciers to recede? Nope. Also remember that in the 1970s it was global cooling that was going to kill us all. That theory didn’t work out so well. You best study some history before you’re led to the slaughterhouse like a lamb by these “scientists” who are getting rich off of theories that have no proof.

          • Wing – Better get back to the Fox channel. They just had a breaking story that heliocentrism is a hoax, and tonight Tucker Carlson explains how calculators are merely a left-wing conspiracy to shut down the patriotic American abacus industry. Sean Hannity follows with a refutation of germ theory: “The socialist want you to be afraid of imaginary little organisms that you can’t even see so they can further limit your freedom, take away your guns, and give all your money to Blacks and Latinos.”

            Be vigilant!

          • The world was thought by most to be flat, right up until it was proven differently. Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to challenge what you think you know.

            That said, I believe in meaningful data sets when it comes to science. To me, 20, 50, 100 years are not meaningful data sets when it comes to climate changes given the age of our planet.