For 4 days, Fayette at or below 5% 2-week case rate

The 7-day moving average of new Covid cases in Fayette County is depicted by the yellow line. Chart covers from October through March 9. Chart from DPH.
The 7-day moving average of new Covid cases in Fayette County is depicted by the yellow line. Chart covers from October through March 9. Chart from DPH.

Since hitting a 5.0% 2-week new case rate on Sunday, March 7, Fayette County has remained below that significant marker for 3 more days: 4.5% on Monday, 4.7% on Tuesday and 4.7% on Wednesday, according to data from the Georgia Department of Public Health.

During that period, Fayette added just 33 new Covid-19 cases to tally 6,250 cases for the 1-year-old pandemic.

Fayette added one new fatality to the toll: a white female, age 66, with no underlying medical conditions, according to DPH. That brings Fayette deaths to 135 since the pandemic began in March 2020. Additionally, the state lists another 15 local deaths as “probable” Covid fatalities.

Fatalities across the state totaled 109 since the Saturday total.

Statewide, Georgia added 3,874 new cases since Sunday, bringing the total to 831,271.