Tiger Battalion named an Honor Unit with Distinction


Even among programs that demand excellence, Fayette County High’s JROTC program ranks among the best of the best. The Tiger Battalion has completed the JROTC Program for Accreditation, elevating itself to the top to be an Honor Unit with Distinction.

An Honor Unit with Distinction is one that has demonstrated exceptional performance in all areas of program operation. In order to be awarded this rating, the JROTC program must score at least 96% or a minimum of 576 points on the formal inspection and 384 points out of 400 points on the unit report.

The cadets were evaluated in the following areas: Battalion Staff Continuous Improvement Briefing and Interview, Service Learning Briefing, Cadet Portfolio and Interview and Drill and Ceremony. They created a slide presentation and briefed it to the 6th Brigade, which is the higher headquarters for JROTC’s units.

Cadet/Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Nwuha and her second in command Executive Officer Cadet/Major Vanessa Campagna supervised and managed the entire project. Their staff includes Command Sergeant Major Mitch Howard, Cadet 1SG Kathryn Lewis, Cadet 2nd Lieutenant Nneena Cantrell, Cadet 1SG Kayce Davis, Cadet Captain Naiomi Adams, Cadet Staff Sergeant Denisha Easterling, and Cadet Sergeant Brianna Wheeler. Each of these cadets was responsible for briefing their roles and how they helped with the continuous improvement plan for the school’s program. The Service Learning Briefing was briefed by Team Chief Cadet Captain Alex Houston, Cadet Staff Sergeant Joshea Achiu, and Cadet Private Emily Nwuha.

The Tiger Battalion is under the leadership of Major Avery Goss, First Sergeant Anthony Bell, and First Sergeant Kenneth T. Parks.

Fayette County High’s Tiger Battalion has completed the JROTC Program for Accreditation, elevating itself to the top to be an Honor Unit with Distinction.