Knights team up to tie up knots

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Knights team up to tie up knots

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Teamwork makes the dream work, and the Kedron Knights put that lesson into practice to complete a tasty test. Students in Gina Perrotta’s 5th grade class paired up to tackle the tricky Twizzler Tie Up Challenge.

Each duo was given four Twizzlers and tasked with tying each of the licorice ropes into a knot as quickly as possible. To really test their talents, the difficulty was ramped up more.

“Students had to work together to figure out how they were going to manage to create a knot with only one hand each,” said Perrotta.

The team-building activity was designed to reenforce Leader in Me habits “Seek First to Understand then to be Understood” and “Synergize,” as well as the class’s weekly DEAL (Drop Everything And Lead) lesson.

“The students had a great time working together and problem solving,” said Perrotta. “They were so proud of themselves when they successfully tied all their Twizzlers in knots!

Kedron Elementary students paired up to tackle the tricky Twizzler Tie Up Challenge where they tied licorice ropes into a knot as quickly as possible with just one hand.

Kedron Elementary students paired up to tackle the tricky Twizzler Tie Up Challenge where they tied licorice ropes into a knot as quickly as possible with just one hand.
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