Annual Juvenile Justice Forum set for Aug. 28


The Fayette County NAACP Youth Council is gearing up to host their thought-provoking and enlightening annual Juvenile Justice Forum in a virtual format on Saturday, August 28.

This year’s theme is “Back-to-School Guidelines: Be Achievers and Winners,” and discussion topics include: School policies and procedures; mental and emotional health; in-school and off-campus discipline; and COVID-19 information, safety protocols, and vaccination.

Invited panelists include Fayette County Public Schools Counselor Coordinator Dr. LaKisha Bonner and clinical & forensic psychologist Dr. Monique Coleman, along with representatives from law enforcement and the Fayette County Health Department.

The forum will run from 1 to 3 p.m., and all middle and high school students and parents are encouraged to attend virtually.

To access the Juvenile Justice Forum via Zoom, use ID number 814 3370 5146 and passcode 429074.