Place Value Hospital puts mastery in practice


When you need help with your numbers, you can turn to Place Value Hospital. Braelinn Elementary 4th grade “doctors” scrubbed in and demonstrated their mastery of place value standards with an outside the box activity.

The classroom was transformed into a hospital to celebrate the end of the unit on place value for a creative preparation for a test. Students “operated” on numbers to show what they learned by gathering patient data, sorting prescriptions, and matching lab files. There were place value X-rays, sorting medicine by greater than, less than, and equal for patients, symptom checker by place value, and surgery on numbers in expanded form to transform them back to their standard form.

Teacher Desiree Vides was thrilled to see how much the students responded to the project.

“They were extremely thankful and said multiple times it was the best day and thank you for planning it.”

Place Value Hospital let Braelinn Elem. 4th graders “operate” on numbers to show their mastery.