Free Covid-19 vaccines/boosters at The Olivet Church, Fayetteville, Ga.


In collaboration with (CORE) Community Organized Relief Effort, The Olivet Church is hosting a VaxUp event this Thursday, October 21st, from 10am through 2pm at The Olivet Church: 877 Hwy 314 N, Fayetteville, GA 30214.

*FREE* Covid-19 Vaccines will be available, along with the booster vaccines. The vaccines available include Moderna, NIAID vaccine and BioNTech, Pfizer vaccine.

Registration is required in order to receive the vaccines, and/or boosters. To register, please visit The Olivet Church website (located in the menu) or visit the registration site directly at:

All Georgia residents over the age of 12 are eligible to receive a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine (over 18 for Moderna). For those under the age of 18, parental/guardian consent is required, and the parent/guardian must be present at the vaccination appointment.

During the event, The Olivet Church will also be hosting their monthly Olivet Hope Delivers event. If you are in need of food supplies, please register online at:

The Olivet Hope Delivers is sponsored by the Olivet’s Food Ministry. This event is held every third Thursday of the month. Please note, the months that have five weeks—will hold this event during the fourth week as opposed to the third week.

Items will be distributed between 12pm through 2pm, located at The Olivet Church. Registration is required for both events.

These are drive-through events, and citizens will not need to leave their cars. Protect yourself, your family, and your community and #VaxUp. The Olivet Church is Where Families Fellowship in Fayetteville.

For more information, please contact The Olivet Church directly at: [email protected].