Frank Destadio for Post 4 is independent, known and positive force to protect zoning in Peachtree City


Steve Brown, like him or not, often provides food for thought. He’s been writing a lot about the November races.

I agree with him that we must have planned, restrained residential growth. And that the current Mayor and Council could have done better. But I completely disagree with his choice for Post 4. Frank Destadio, a known and experienced positive force in PTC zoning, is far and away heads above Phil Crane, an unknown. Frank will preserve what is good about PTC and build on it.

First of all, if you truly want to break up the existing “gang” of good old boys that exist on the current Council, you need to understand that both Mike King and Phil Prebor openly support Phil Crane. They post his signs everywhere they can, especially on Phil Prebor’s fence on Huddleston Rd., and in both of their yards at home. In fact, in my opinion, they expect he will just follow them along as he has no city experience and is intrigued with their open support for him.

Crane has openly supported not working to give back the Public Hearing to the Planning Commission… while all Mayor Candidates and Frank Destadio have opening spoken in favor of this on many public occasions.

Finally, Frank’s platform has always supported opposition against rezoning industrial space and allowing unrestrained residential (especially multi-family) housing. He knows it hurts our quality of life and tax base. I saw him in action when I was on the PTC Planning Commission. I believe Phil Crane has only just started saying this, no doubt after hearing Frank publicly state it so many times.

As the Chairman of the Planning Commission for the past eleven years, Frank fought vigorously against greedy developers. Frank opposed the Great Wolf Lodge, the Calistoga housing on Lake MacIntosh, and the townhomes behind the Pit Stop on Hwy 74. Frank Destadio will not be a clone for the existing remaining members on the City Council. He absolutely has the knowledge, experience and leadership skills to be an independent voice on the Council… and an independent voice with the new Mayor (whoever that may be) to hopefully lead the City in a better direction than the last team.

Jack Bernard

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Piason, you do not of what you speak. The facts are exactly the opposite of what you state.
    Frank has never been on the City Council. He has questioned their calls on zoning again and again.
    I was on Zoning with him (and I voted against every multi-family housing proposal). He has major problems with the Living Cities Initiative supported by the same people on the Council who now support Crane.
    Frank is opposed to congestion and the action that the City Council took on stopping citizen input.
    Crane is supported by the good old boys who caused the congestion and who advocated for the horrible notion of suing the public.

  2. I noticed you weren’t brave enough to use your real name when making an incorrect comment about Frank Destadio. He has never been on the City Council to have been involved with any of the issues you are accusing him of. You should get your story straight next time.

    • Sandi, his name is Albert Vitale and it appears he doesn’t understand how City Council or the Planning Commission works. There’s been lots of this kind of garbage this election cycle. People that are uninformed and those that intentionally mislead run rampant because the gullibles out there eat it up and ask for more.

  3. Your opinion on Destadio is not appealing to me. It ignores some of the biggest issues with this candidate while slandering Crane.

    Destadio was supportive of legislation that would have allowed the city council to sue citizens who “slandered” them (i.e. saying anything negative about them like this post) and use city resources, attorneys and money to do so. (This is a bit disqusting and over the top. Borders on the story 1984. and alone is enough to vote for anyone but him!)

    Then we have the votes allowing the Avenue and other private areas to have traffic lights (i.e. more congestion)

    The living cities initiative and finally disbanding the citizens review of development.

    Too many issues for me to support him and his ilk.

    A. Vitale – PTC