Thieves work their way up Hwy. 74 smashing car windows


Most entering auto thefts happen when a vehicle is left unlocked. A smaller percentage happens when thieves smash a window to steal something of value. That was the case on Nov. 5 in Peachtree City when five vehicles were entered along Ga. Highway 74.

All five occurred on Nov. 5 between 9:10-11:30 p.m., and all occurred along Hwy. 74 between the intersection of Ga. Highway 54 on the south and Hwy. 74 North in the Kedron Village area to the north.

One of the entering auto thefts came at the Longhorn restaurant off Ga. Highway 74 North in Kedron Village. A rear window was smashed and an overnight bag and clothes were stolen, police reports said.

A second incident occurred at the Mellow Mushroom restaurant near Wisdom Road, with entry made by smashing the driver’s side rear window. A purse, prenatal meds, $150 in cash and jewelry stolen, according to police reports.

The third theft was reported at the Smokey Bones restaurant on Market Place Boulevard near Ga. highways 54 and 74. As before, a rear window was smashed and a bag and its contents stolen from the rear floorboard, reports said.

The fourth theft occurred at Carlo’s Salon near Wisdom Road. A passenger window was smashed and a purse stolen, according to reports.

In the final incident, a vehicle on Hwy. 74 North was entered after a window was smashed, and a bag with make-up was stolen, the police report said.

Officers from all agencies have long-maintained that one way to avoid having locked vehicles become a target for thieves is to make sure valuables attracting criminals are not left in plain sight.


  1. It really saddens me to see this stepped up INVASION of CRIME and CRIMINALS by ALL OF THE ‘USUAL SUSPECTS’ into our fair and Blessed city of Peachtree City. We all need to do our part and be on tle look out for ‘SUSPICIOUS ACTORS and PRETENDERS’ to assist our law enforcement folks to do their very best in keeping these THIEVES, MARAUDERS and PILLAGERS out of and away from where they ARE NOT WANTED!