Kedron kids board the Polar Express


Kedron kids took a ride on the Polar Express, and the price of admission was just being a top-notch Knight.

All kindergarteners celebrated Polar Express Day by first learning about needs and wants, earning pennies for being respectful, responsible problem solvers. On the big day, everyone wore their pajamas and used the money they had earned to buy a ticket to the movie and to shop for treats they wanted like hot chocolate, Christmas cookies, and candy canes. After the movie was over, each class had a special delivery from the North Pole…their own bells!

Kindergarten teacher Nicole Thomas loved spreading some cheer based around the beloved children’s book and movie.

“We hoped that the students would have a meaningful experience with spending money and a deeper understanding of needs and wants, all while getting to relish in a little bit of holiday magic!”

Kedron kindergarteners took a ride on the Polar Express, and the price of admission was being respectful, responsible problem solvers.