Let all our kids explore Black History Month

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Let all our kids explore Black History Month

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I would like to thank our PTC Target store for offering Black History Month merchandise. The beautiful display just inside the door lifted my spirits (something we can all use these days).

I purchased two t-shirts; one for myself and one for my sister, living in Texas and spreading the Love.

Then I went home and learned all about the names printed on the shirts — Sojourner, Garrett, Phyllis, Frederick, and Edmonia. I was familiar with only two out of the five. All amazing black men and women.

Thankfully, it is never too late to learn. It is never too late to acknowledge greatness. It is never too late to teach truth.

Or too early. School would seem to be the logical place. Students can handle the truth. They are capable of learning from it and applying its lessons. They can be changed by it. They can be better than us.

I hope we can set aside our fear and have a little faith. Faith In the truth; and faith in the kids.

Wishing all an enlightening and inspiring Black History Month!

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