FES rocks study of rocks and minerals


The science minds at Fayetteville Elementary rock. All 3rd graders at FES explored the unique characteristics of rocks and minerals for a fascinating science lab.

Using simple tests such as the scratch and streak test, students investigated the physical attributes (color, texture, luster, and hardness) of various rocks and minerals. They scratched the materials on an unglazed white tile to perform the streak test and used nails to scratch the surface to identify the hardness of each one on a scale of 1-10. A magnifying glass offered a deeper look at the color and texture, and a magnet identified other special attributes of the rocks/minerals. Gathering all their new knowledge, students could use the attributes and properties they studied to observe, describe, and classify many rocks and minerals.

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.

Fayetteville Elementary 3rd graders studied rocks and minerals for a fascinating science lab.